Facilitate admissions and assessment processes for incoming patients.
Respond to inquiries about the facility within facility policy timeframes.
Schedule/complete pre-admission assessments and communicate recommendations to patients or their families.
Collaborate with other facility medical and psychiatric personnel to ensure appropriate recommendations and admissions.
Coordinate admission and transfer between levels of care within the facility.
Communicate projected admissions to designated internal representative in a timely manner.
Perform insurance benefit verifications, disseminating the information gathered to patient, their families and other appropriate facility staff.
Ensure all medical admission documentation is gathered from external sources prior to patient admission and secure initial pre-authorization for treatment and admission.
Assist individual therapists with concurrent reviews with insurance companies to secure continued treatment.
Coordinate and facilitate peer to peer reviews when needed and collaborate the results of reviews with multi-disciplinary treatment team.
Provide accurate and ongoing assessment of patient status in the admissions process.
Communicate treatment recommendations to and coordinate with other treatment teams.