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Fleet Servicing & Maintenance Technician at Wayve
London, United Kingdom

Job Descrption

Ready to be a part of the future of autonomous vehicles?

At Wayve, our vision re-thinks the conventional approach to autonomous vehicles (AVs). Based in London, our team are award-winning and world-leading thinkers in the fields of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. Our mission is to leverage our ground-breaking approach to AVs and bring the world safe and trustworthy autonomous mobility.

Challenges you will own

  • Conduct routine inspections, diagnostics, and repairs on a wide range of vehicles, including cars, vans equipped with ADAS components. 
  • Perform scheduled servicing and maintenance tasks to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the fleet.
  • Troubleshoot and diagnose mechanical, electrical, and technical issues using advanced diagnostic equipment.
  • Reacting to faults with our fleet and implementing repairs in a timely manner
  • Recording and reporting of faults found and the resolution to those issues
  • Working with the drivers of our fleet to ensure faults they experience or concerns they have are addressed
  • Carry out repairs on a variety of vehicle components.
  • Ensuring the fleet is kept in a presentable condition for use in high profile demonstrations to investors and media.
  • Adhere to health and safety standards.

What we are looking for ?


  • City & Guilds or NVQ levels 2/3 (or equivalent)
  • Experienced Vehicle Technician
  • Strong experience using diagnostic machines to identify and repair mechanical issues
  • Familiar with repairing vehicles from an OEM’s repair manual, covering component and bodywork repairs
  • Safe working ethic and familiarity with Risk assessments, Safe Systems of Work and COSHH
  • Strong customer facing communication skills to help with fault diagnosis
  • Computer literate and able to use programmes such as word and excel for tracking work done on vehicles
  • Valid UK driving licence.


  • Good knowledge of current automotive technology, ADAS and onboard vehicle networks

What we offer

  • Competitive compensation with salary and equity
  • Relocation support 
  • A unique position to shape the future of autonomous vehicles while being part of a team that will value your effort and contribution.

Wayve is built on people and their differences give us strength. We don't just embrace diversity, we encourage it and are proud to be an equal opportunities workplace that encourages people from all walks of life to join us on our journey. 

To further explore Wayve, please visit our website:


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